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Research collaboration

OUH researchers collaborate with regional, national and international partners on research and innovation. Our researchers are always interested in expanding their networks and exploit new opportunities for collaboration.

Existing collaborations

OUH and the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) has developed a close collaboration throughout many years which has resulted in many research projects between OUH's departments and SDU's faculties. See list of publications and projects from the Department of Clinical Research SDU here.

This strategic collaboration will within the next couple of years be further developped when the two organisations and campuses will be located next to each other. Read more about the new OUH buildings here.

OUH is continously collaborating with the rest of the hospitals in the Region of Southern Denmark.


OUH researchers collaborate with all of the national hospitals and researcher and are participating in national research councils and boards.


OUH has many different international research collaborations and have international researchers employed at or affiliated to OUH.

Adjunct professors

The list of the adjunct professors that are current connected to the Department of Clinical Research at the SDU Health and OUH can be found here.

We are continously looking to expand our network of adjunct professors that can contribute to our research areas. If this has any interest please contact the head of research/centre, that could be of relevance to you. Find the list of units and centers here. 

European Reference Network

The EU has 24 European Reference Networks (ERN) which focus on promoting collaboration between EU countries and healthcare providers on complex and rare diseases that requires a highly specialised treatment and concentration of knowledge and ressources. 

These networks are virtual networks that help healthcare professionals to discuss the treatment and care for these patients with rare and complex diseases. OUH is currently part of 9 of these networks;

If you need more information about OUH's participation in the ERN networks please contact the ERN sekretariat at OUH ( ).

Interested in collaboration with OUH?

In order to facilitate collaboration between our researchers and international researchers/organisations, OUH has allocated funding in order to facilitate international stays at OUH for senior researchers or for OUH researchers to visit other international researchers. The main focus is to ensure future international collaboration. If this could have any interest to you as a researcher, please contact the head of research or head of center in order to discuss the opportunities. Find list here.

Via OPEN (Open Patient data Explorative Network) you might find interesting data and biological material open for research collaborations. Please visit our project overview to learn more.

OPEN Projektkoordinering

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