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“Patient first” — our promise to each other and to our patients


"Patient first" is the underlying principle of OUH’s approach and ambition in creating value for our patients. This commitment to our patients includes acting as their university hospital, which we achieve through full implementation of our code of practice.

The patient pyramid illustrates the competencies that we believe OUH needs to succeed in putting the patient first. We are not developing a whole new concept, but are attempting to clarify the principles that we should jointly embrace, focus on, and plan for.

Our approach requires a joint effort from managers and staff in both the highly specialized functions and the more general areas. Odense University Hospital and Svendborg Hospital, including the locations in Nyborg and Ærø, rely on each other in achieving this goal. We will develop the two hospitals in synergy for the benefit of the population in the entire OUH catchment area.