Orthopaedic Surgery
The Department of Orthopaedic Surgery provides treatment of disorders in the musculoskeletal system (arms, legs and back), disorders caused by injury, disease or as a consequence of congenital disorders.

Anders Holsgaard Larsen, Ph.d.
Head of ResearchOrthopedics Research
Orthopaedic Surgery
+45 65 50 40 55 anders.larsen@rsyd.dk

Jens Christian Werlinrud
Head of Hand surgery and replantation
Orthopaedic Surgery
+45 30 82 80 15 jcw@rsyd.dk

Jens M. Lauritsen, Consultant. M.D., Ph.d, Public Health Specialist
Head of Accident Analysis Group
Orthopaedic Surgery
+45 29 21 18 06 jel@rsyd.dk

Johnny Frøkjær
Head of Foot/Ancle surgery
Orthopaedic Surgery
+45 65 41 35 86 johnny.froekjaer@rsyd.dk

Malene Mink Kristensen
Head of Department, MPG
Orthopaedic Surgery
+45 21 62 06 29 malene.kristensen@rsyd.dk

Morten Schultz Larsen
Head of Trauma surgery and Infection/Tumor/Amputation/Reconstructation
Orthopaedic Surgery
+45 65 41 18 30 morten.s.larsen@rsyd.dk

Peter Kraglund Jacobsen
Head of Shoulder/Elbow surgery
Orthopaedic Surgery
+45 65 41 70 57 peter.kraglund.jacobsen@rsyd.dk
The Department of Orthopaedic Surgery provides treatment of disorders in the musculoskeletal system (arms, legs and back), disorders caused by injury, disease or as a consequence of congenital disorders. The Department is organised in a number of specialist areas which separately provide treatment at basic level as well as highly specialised level. The Department has a regional function for the whole of southern Denmark and national coverage for amputations and severe damage to hand and forearm. Information about treatments, waiting times and care is provided under the specific specialist areas.
The Department has university status and provides teaching to medical students and physicians. Moreover, the Department participates in the training/education of nurses, radiographers, and social and healthcare assistants as well as in the training/education of medical secretaries.
The Department is affiliated to a professorship. The Department runs the Accident Analysis Group which performs injury registration and conducts analyses.
The Department has a central location in the peacetime emergency and the regional trauma centre function at Odense University Hospital. Prevention and rehabilitation is also part of the Departments tasks.
Furthermore, the Department has activities in Svendborg where we have wards, day surgery as well as an outpatient department.
The Department of Orthopaedic Surgery has several specialist areas. The highly specialised function is divided into nine specialist areas:
- Hosting the accident and emergency department of Odense University Hospital(open or unreferred accident and emergency department function)
- Orthopaedic surgery local function for Odense Municipality and the nearest municipalities towards the north and west.
- Orthopaedic surgery regional function for the entire Region of Southern Denmark and parts of Region Zealand.
- Orthopaedic surgery national function with regard to reimplantation and brachial plexus injury.
- The Department is located centrally at the trauma centre function of Odense University Hospital.
- The Department runs the back surgery university centre together with the Department of Neurosurgery.
- The Department runs the wound treatment university centre together with the Department of Plastic Surgery and the Department of Endocrinology.
- The Orthopaedic Research Unit Den ortopædkirurgiske forskningsenhed - SDU
- The Accident Analysis Group
In accordance with the guidelines from the Danish Health and Medicines Authority, the Department handles all main and regional functions within orthopaedic surgery, and nearly all highly specialised functions.
Treatment sections
- OP
- O-outpatient Department Odense
- Day Clinic - Odense
- Trauma centre /Accident and Emergency Department
- O-outpatient Department Svendborg
- Day Clinic - Svendborg
- O1 - Svendborg
- O-Ward - Odense
Annual admissions | 7,700 |
Annual outpatient visits | 74,000 |
Number of beds, Odense | 79 |
Number of beds, Svendborg | 26 |
Number of employees, Odense | 352 |
Number of employees, Svendborg | 73 |