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Department Of Clinical Biochemistry

Department of Clinical Biochemistry are characterised by being a cross-disciplinary field coupling research, development, laboratory activities and clinical tasks.

Lars Melholt Rasmussen

Head of Research, Consultant, Professor in Clinical Biochemistry

Department Of Clinical Biochemistry

+45 24 42 21 60

Helle Weimar-Sørensen

Head of Department, MPM, Lead Laboratory Technologist

Department Of Clinical Biochemistry

+45 24 96 15 96

Mads Nybo

Head of Department, Chief Consultant

Department Of Clinical Biochemistry

+45 20 55 39 52

Department of Clinical Biochemistry are characterised by being a cross-disciplinary field coupling research, development, laboratory activities and clinical tasks. These specialist areas experience rapid development, and particularly the areas of molecular diagnostics and mass spectrometry has become increasingly important for patients and physicians.

Department of Clinical Biochemistry has approx. 230 employees including professors, consultants, senior house officers, registrars, biochemists, laboratory technicians, secretaries and service employees. The majority of the staff are laboratory technicians, who also are responsible for blood drawing at the hospital. Blood samples from outpatients are drawn at the Departments outpatient clinic. Modern technology ensures efficient management, reliable analysis results from patient samples and short response times.

The Department yearly produces around 11 million analysis results (2022).

Department of Clinical Biochemistry is also a university department and therefore has a comprehensive research and development section, which focuses particularly on diabetes and cardio-vascular diseases to gain a better understanding of diseases, earlier diagnosis as well as more efficient treatment. The department is also engaged in implementation of new technologies, automation of manual procedures and artificial intelligence, at a research level as well as for future routine strategies.

Expert functions

  • Porphyria diagnostics
  • Hemostasis diagnostics and counselling
  • Mass spectrometry
Total employees 230
Number of analysis results in 2022 11.3 mill.
Annual patient consultations in 2022 1.037.749
Total research publications for 2022 103