Dermatology And Allergy
Diagnosis and treatment of both acute and chronic patients with cutaneous, venereal and allergic disorders together with research within the same fields and teaching both at pregraduate and postgraduate level.

Charlotte Gotthard Mørtz
Head of Research, Professor, Head Consultant
Dermatology and Allergy
The Department of Dermatology and Allergy Centre is the only specialist department in the Region of Southern Denmark that examines and treats patients with all kinds of skin diseases, allergic diseases and sexually transmitted diseases.
The department handles treatments for both common and uncommon dermatological and allergological diseases, and has highly specialised functions for hereditary angioedema (HAE), contact dermatitis and occupational dermatology, mastocytosis, investigation and treatment of complicated allergic disorders including insulin allergy. Patients are received on referral from general practitioners, specialists in skin diseases and other hospital departments.
The Department of Dermatology and Allergy Centre consists of the following units
- Dermatology Outpatient Clinic examines and treats patients of all age groups with dermatological and venereal diseases (sexually transmitted diseases, genital dermatoses, skin tumors, operations, light and laser treatment and treatment for hyperhidrosis).
- Dermatology Outpatient Clinic receives patients of all ages for assessment and treatment of severe and chronic skin diseases (psoriasis, hereditary angioedema (HAE), patients with immunological wounds, contact eczema, hand eczema, atopic eczema, connective tissue diseases of the skin, congenital skin disease and chronic urticaria). The department has an allergy laboratory that conducts tests for contact allergies. The section is located at Patienthotellet.
- The Allergy Centre, receives patients of all age groups for diagnosis and treatment of complicated allergic disorders (drug allergy, food allergy, insect sting allergy) in collaboration with various departments at OUH. The Allergy Centre is affiliated with the Mastocytosis Centre (MastOUH).
Clinical Research Unit Skin and Allergy – ORCA
The research unit in Dermatology and Allergology host ORCA (Odense Research Center for Anaphylaxis). Focus areas in the research unit are skin cancer including teledermatology, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, urticaria/angioedema, contact allergy, hand eczema, anaphylaxis including food, drug and venom allergy, mastocytosis and hereditary angioedema. Focus are on epidemiological and clinically research including new treatment strategies. Furthermore, quality of life and coping strategies are focus areas.
You can read more about our research at University of Southern Denmark.